Spokane Helps Ukraine Joins the URC
As the need in Ukraine grows and the story is out of the daily news cycle, we have been blown away by the continued support from Spokane and around the country for the people of Read more…
Spokane Helps Ukraine and the Ukrainian Relief Coalition works with a local Spokane church who holds your funds in trust and sends them directly to trusted organizations in Ukraine to ensure your donations are tax deductible and go to Ukraine or to Local relief effort as you designate. CLICK HERE to see details and help those in need.
All proceeds from T-Shirt sales go directly to the people of Ukraine. CLICK HERE to buy a T-Shirt. Wearing it shows our unity in Spokane in supporting our fellow families across the globe.
You are making a difference. Every, T-Shirt, every donation helps!
We are posting videos on our channel as we receive them from our team in Ukraine.
As the need in Ukraine grows and the story is out of the daily news cycle, we have been blown away by the continued support from Spokane and around the country for the people of Read more…
We have surpassed $50,000 sent to Kharkiv, Ukraine thanks to your generosity. A bit about us from the KREM 2 news story
Sergey is showing the food distribution for the week of March 21, 2022 to the people of Kharkiv, Ukraine. When he is talking, he is first telling us about a station destroyed no more then Read more…